
Contact Us

I’ve never hired a contractor, how does this work?

Good question! If you fill out the info box to your right as completely as possible or call us directly, we will walk you through every step. Once we have received your contact, we will set up a time that is convenient to take a look at your project. You can prepare by having some pictures of styles, colors, or layouts you like or don’t like from websites or magazines. Also put some thought into your plans for the space and your budget. From there we can come up with a price and small concept for free, or with a deposit carry out an entire 3D design layout that will be credited back towards the job total should you choose to go through with it. Once the concept is finalized we can visit a mason yard to select materials or bring samples to your residence. Once the design and materials are settled we complete a contract and schedule the work to start. From there you can relax as all your work is done and ours begins. Once the job is finished we do a full cleanup and deliver your finished project just as you envisioned it!

How do I know I’ve picked the right contractor?

when hiring another type of contractor it is important to check their resume of similar projects, ask for references, and do your homework and make sure they are in good standing in the community. Also current licenses in the area you are located in as well as complete insurance to handle all the tasks to be accomplished. Don’t be afraid to ask for these things, we spend lots of money on them and it is what separates the pros from the rest.

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